Diet Pill Ingredients that Make a Supplement Vegan-Unfriendly

Diet Pill Ingredients that Make a Supplement Vegan-Unfriendly

Are you a vegan in search of a diet pill that can help you manage your weight with greater ease? Well, you should be aware that some diet pill ingredients are not appropriate for vegans because they are derived from animals.

Which diet pill ingredients should you make it a point to avoid while shopping for these supplements? Below is a list of some of the many non-vegan ingredients out there. Hopefully, this list will help you make smarter buying choices.

Keep in mind that some of the following ingredients might also be derived from plants, so be sure to read a label closely to determine if the ingredients are indeed plant-based, or if they are derived from animals.

  • Gelatin
  • Glycerin
  • Glycerol
  • Chitosan
  • Bone meal
  • Fish oil
  • Lipase
  • Cysteine
  • Lactose
  • Collagen
  • Fatty acids
  • Lanolin
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Carmine
  • Caprylic Acid

Look for a Vegan Certification

An easy way to tell if a diet pill contains vegan ingredients is by looking for a vegan certification on the label of the product. If the label says that it is vegan friendly, you can rest assured that its ingredients have been derived from plants, not from animals. Not all companies will bother putting a vegan certification on their label, though, so you might still need to contact the manufacturer if you aren’t sure.

Take Your Time and Do Your Research

Remember that, when you are looking for diet pills, or any supplement, for that matter, it is important to look through the ingredients list carefully. By doing so, you will be able to recognize any diet pill ingredients that are not vegan friendly, so you can shop smarter and support companies that use vegan ingredients in their supplements. When in doubt, it is best to contact the manufacturer directly to ask them if any non-vegan ingredients are in a particular supplement or diet pill.

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